About Me
Name: Yesha Gee
Home: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
About Me: Don't hate me because i'm beautiful.
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God changed me... |
God has changed me completely. I wouldn’t be the person I am now if God has forsaken me. Like everybody else, I have my own sets of burdens and struggles; and I praise God because He strengthen me. Living alone in Dubai is not easy but God is always there beside me, guiding me and leading me. In the past, a simple problem pulls me down. I easily get so burdened, so worried and weakened but God changed the way I think. God made me realize that burdens are gifts. Pains are blessings because God do things in extraordinary ways. He always turned all burdens, all pains, and all struggles into JOY! God wants what’s best for me. He thinks and cares for me. He loves me more than I love Him. And I thank Him for His great love. He saved me. He rescued me.
Now, I fully understood why I have to move and work here in Dubai. God wants to change me. He wants to mold me and He wants me to get closer to Him. I love to pray now. I have learned to enjoy praying. Praying comforts me. Praying helps me get through the day. Praying keeps me beside my Abba Father.
Prayer is indeed very powerful. God answers prayer. I used to pray for myself, but now I seldom pray for myself, I thank Him every time instead. I learned to pray for the people around me, for my friends, for my colleagues, for my family, for people whom I know needs Him, I pray even for those I see around whom I don’t know. I pray for them because God answers prayers and He does things exquisitely. By praying for others, I received the desires of my heart. I have breakthroughs over breakthroughs. God is blessing me abundantly. It became so easy for me to pray for others, and I am so happy about it.
I truly praise and thank God for everything. I thank God how He changed me. I am so happy that He is my God. I am so happy He owns me and I am so glad I surrendered myself unto Him because the moment I let go of myself and offered it to Him was the very moment I find rest. I love Him and want to love Him more. I will praise Him all my life. To Him be all glory!
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